Post the Last Post: Ludwig's Hell

Refer my earlier post on Emoting over watches The following account of an hological addict is hilarious and rich in pathos and tongue-in-cheek. Ludwig captures the essence of the lone acquisitor who feeds off the opinions and drives of others to satisfy his ache for at least a glimpse of Horological Eden. Ludwig's "locus of control" is external, in the sense that he allows others, often so-called knowledgeable others, to determine his criteria of what is desirable, aesthetically essential, and "must have".

The advice Ludwig gives, quite similar to that given in drug rehabilitation and AA clinics, centres on avoidance. He says, effectively, "stick your finger in your ears so you can't hear these diverse voices telling you what you must have in order to feel complete." Of course your experience may tell you that the more you think about avoidance, the more you give yourself an unconscious instruction to 'go for' the forbidden vice, object or behaviour. I dare you, NOT to think of a Electric Blue Panerai that has sprouted legs in place of lugs!. What's the first thing you think of? Eh?

Note that Ludwig's wife is a wearer, not a sharer, and is incidental to his uncontrollable passion to live out the fantasies of others. The antidote for Ludwig, should he care to swallow it, is not to shut out the voices and influences of others, but to develope his own voice, to embrace deeply his passion and immerse himself in the beauty, engineering, design, and positive emotions that flow from from growing his own criteria for what is desirable, rather than relying of the criteria of others. Click here to read of his descent into horologcal Hell

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